Imagine a community Coming of Age celebration in which girls entering puberty are honored with song, dance, stories and gifts. All their friends and relatives are there. It’s an event to be remembered for a lifetime! To honor the creative force that is manifesting within them, their elders gather to offer encouragement and guidance. This…
Coming of Age Conversation and Crafts
Bracelet from Modern culture’s lack of coming-of-age activities can cause confusion and isolation for girls, rather than offering a sense of meaning. But there are many ways to create special events and moments, while honoring girls’ personalities and comfort zones, too! Sharing stories, information and creative projects can help girls feel a sense of…
Coming of Age Activities and Celebrations
Have you thought of doing something special for your daughter as she “comes of age”? Many families and communities are finding creative ways to acknowledge girls during puberty. These ideas will help you honor your daughter’s new maturity, acknowledging change, and create a memory of a passage shared. You and she will create moments unique…