Womb Wisdom – Four Months of Selfcare and Celebration
Discover the Foundation for your Health and Comfort
- Would you love to feel more connected to your inner wisdom and sacred nature?
- Are you ready to have more confidence in your body and abilities?
- Are you seeking a holistic way to deal with PMS, PCOS, Menopause or other related concerns?
- Would you love to know the secret to a more fulfilled and balanced life?

I imagine that you have the deepest desire to be healthy and fulfilled, to spend quality time with your family and friends, and express your own creative gifts - but instead you often feel discouraged, overwhelmed or just too tired to do it all, and wonder if there is something wrong with you.
You may lose a lot of time every month by not feeling good, and it may seem as if there is just never enough time to catch up!
You may be desperate to feel better, and longing to tune in to yourself in a deeper way, but you just don’t know how or where to begin.
I’m Barbara Hanneloré, and I’ve been studying Womb Wisdom for 25 years. Long ago, I learned that there is a powerful rhythm of nature within women that allows us to stay in touch with deep, nourishing aspects of ourselves - the parts of ourselves that know what to do. The parts of ourselves that are connected to nature, to the moon and tides, and to primal forces that we feel in our blood and bones! This traditional wisdom has been passed down through countless generations of women, but it has been cast aside in modern times. No wonder we are struggling! When I realized what a loss this is for women, and the profound difference it will make for us to find these “roots” again, I became committed to sharing, and showing YOU how to access these simple tools and truths, as well!
Barbara, in all the years I've been menstruating, there's never been a voice that speaks like you speak. There's been no one to say, 'This is what's happening to you, in any kind of meaningful way.'"
Stephanie Dawn, Women’s Health Advocate, Los Angeles
There is a cycle to life that has always been here, a pulse that flows through our bodies and breath, through the moon’s rhythm and the seasons. It is eternal and powerful, and it is how everything works.
When we learn to step back into our own rhythm, we have all of that energy working FOR us, to support us, guide us, and bring us closer to nature and our own inner wisdom.

We will finally be working with our bodies instead of against them, and tune in once again to the wisdom of our ancestors. We can honor the rhythm of nature within us, and live according to our own lunar cycle that helps us stay in tune with ourselves all month long.
This is your magic! It helps you create the life you want! You have a different quality of time available to you...it is circular time, a rhythm of nature that will take you deep into your roots, where you will be able to create a foundation for a new way of living.
This rhythm of time is found in your menstrual cycle, or in the reassuring phases of the moon if you are not menstruating. Therefore, this is valuable wisdom for women of ANY age!
- Would you like to discover a new plan for your precious life, and KNOW how to approach your month in a way that anticipates your needs from week to week?
- Wouldn’t you love to understand the reason you feel less energy sometimes; to know how to care for yourself, and begin keeping track of your time and schedule in a new, circular, feminine way that is magical, transformative, and that will support your health and your deepest dreams?
- Would you love to realize that there is nothing wrong with you, and feel more comfortable in your body?
- Would you love to have more confidence in yourself and your abilities?
Join me for four months of selfcare and exploration that will change the way you think of your female experience, forever.
This Program is for you if you:
- Are a busy and talented woman, but feel out of balance and disconnected from some of your deepest needs,
- Know you want to listen more deeply to your body, but are not sure how to do it,
- Are determined to express more of your precious creative side,
- Need meaningful rest and renewal time, but just can’t seem to make it happen because there aren’t enough hours in the day!
- This is for you if you struggle with your menstrual cycle, menopause, or other major life changes, and wonder if there really is a holistic way to make it easier!

Women's self-care is not something that is normal in our world! I am astonished at how many women, when I talk to them about this, honestly see themselves as having low value, with no time for self-care. This is a new field of health. Your class is not only great information, and brand new choices, but SO inspirational. That's what I tell people."
Heather, Therapeutic Riding Academy, TX

This has transformed my cycle and I can’t thank you enough! I used to have debilitating cramps. Now, it is just a bit of downtime, and I actually welcome this time to catch up with myself. I only wish I had known about this easy system, sooner.”
Missy, Yoga Teacher, San Francisco

This series will unfold over 16 weeks and invite you into a new way of relating to yourself: one that is deeply supportive, creative and celebratory. You will be able to observe yourself in a fascinating new way, and have the tools to map out a monthly plan that WORKS.
You’ll learn how and when to give yourself the time and focus that you need, in order to accomplish your goals AND recharge, nourish, and catch up with yourself. This is the balance that our entire world is seeking, and YOU can help to create that change! The solution really is within you!

We live in a culture that demeans and dismisses females in many subtle and not-so-subtle ways. Does all the taboo around menstruation make any sense? What is all the aversion about? Does this serve us? If not, let's change it! Now is the time.
By claiming the value of our cycles, and bringing these ancient wisdom practices back into modern life, we are weaving a new paradigm for the culture: one that reflects our own experience, and one in which we feel comfortable.
Your experience of menstruation and monthly rhythm is not meant to be a burden, a secret, a joke or an embarrassment! It is a treasure, a blessing, and a valuable tool for self-knowledge and self-care.

I used to just notice what wasn’t working. Now I notice the rhythm, and the times I have more energy, not just the times that are difficult!”

I asked the Universe for help, and it led me to you. I was coming off of heavy hormonal birth control, and having a terrible time. What I learned [in this class] made my cycles much easier, very quickly. And I love how you talk about the seasons. It makes so much sense! My husband and I can understand my cycle in an entirely new way now.”
Class Participant

I knew there was a bigger picture, but didn’t know what it was. Now I do.This is part of what I want to be teaching in the future.”
Ivy, Holistic Coach, OK

This was exactly what I needed. I’ve done many kinds of personal rituals and other transformative work, but to put them all together and do them consistently, brings it to a whole new level. It is so healing. I got so much from this course it has been a huge source of inspiration. I was really stuck in a slump and didn’t know what to do. This was a reawakening for me.”
Class Participant
These 16 sessions can be enjoyed from your own favorite chair. Each call will be recorded so that you can return to it later. You will be using my 10-page guide, The Woman’s Calendar ™, and my book, The Moon and You, to interpret each part of your month in a positive way! When you learn to see your month in phases, like the moon or the seasons, everything begins to make sense, and you will wonder WHY you did not learn this long ago ! It’s amazing that even during the first week, many women begin notice a difference in themselves, and within the month they notice a difference in their cycles too!

Our time together will include:
- Inner Child work
- Creative activities
- Developing Personal Ritual
- Creating Sacred Space
- Visualization and Meditation
- Basics of Fertility - knowing your body’s ovulation signals
- Interpreting PMS and menstrual discomfort as signals from your inner wisdom
- Finding holistic ways to approach PMS, PCOS and other related concerns
- A gentle review of first menstruation, with support and celebration of your "inner girl."
- The Moon: If you are not having menstrual cycles, we will use the moon's rhythm as your guide for optimal self-care practices.
Our three main themes:
Embody the Feminine: connect with nature, develop your personal calendars and your new ways of keeping time.
Embrace Your Roots: a review of history, culture and belief: ancient culture, modern culture, and your own personal story of first menstruation.
Empower Your Cycle: health resources, ritual and ceremony.

This is your birthright to understand your own biology
in a way that makes you feel proud.
Womb Wisdom is $397 a month for four months. (Ask me about your pay-in-full bonus price!)

Are you ready to pay more attention to your body and to learn what she is saying to you?
Are you ready to learn how to create a personal rhythm that will work FOR you, so you can honor your time, your health and happiness?
Don’t let one more month go by while you struggle with a lack of information and positive support for living in a female body!

[This change is] in your very posture - you don’t even need to say a word.”

I am SO glad you are seeking a way to connect with the sources of power within you. I am committed to supporting you, so you can finally connect those missing pieces and create a life that honors your ambition AND your health!
I learned long ago that an essential source of women’s power had been dismissed in modern times, and I became committed to sharing it, writing about it and welcoming it back into our lives! Our cycles have been demeaned, ignored and misunderstood for far too long! This is the balance our culture so desperately needs - the return of the Feminine - and She emerges through YOU, as you express Her more and more. Welcome to the new paradigm!